Judd Trump Switches Cue Tip During English Open Final Against Zhang Anda

The English Open has advanced to its second session in the final showdown, featuring a fierce contest between Judd Trump and Zhang Anda as they vie for the Steve Davis Trophy. Trump encountered a challenge not only from his opponent but also from his cue tip, plagued by a series of mishits. In an effort to rectify the issue, the 2019 world champion made the daring decision to replace his cue tip during the interval between sessions.

Miscues have plagued Judd Trump during the English Open, but are hopefully a thing of the past after he put on a new tip following the first session of the final.

Trump described his tip as “terrible” following his win over John Higgins in the semi-finals, a match in which he miscued to such an extent that he produced an inadvertent jump shot over his object ball.

Two more alarming miscues followed during the first session of the final with Zhang Anda – which the Chinese player took 5-3.

At the end of the first session, Jimmy White said in the Eurosport studio that he felt Trump would change his tip before the action resumed on Sunday evening.

White was proved to be correct, as tournament director Paul Collier put on a new tip for Trump.

The Bristolian did not leave the Brentwood Centre venue after the first session, and was working hard on bedding his new tip in.

Judd Trump Switches Cue Tip During English Open Final Against Zhang Anda

White suggested putting on a new tip would not cause too much of an issue for the 2019 world champion.

“Paul Collier puts fantastic tips on,” White said in the Eurosport studio. “I’ve seen Judd in the practice room, he has been there ever since. His brother went and got him some food and he has not gone anywhere.

“The cue tips they use nowadays, they become playable within a couple of hours. In the past, it used to take a couple of days,” said the player.

“He should be in good shape now. While he may be trailing 5-3, he won’t have to worry about the pressure of potentially miscuing when playing a powerful shot.”

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