Performance Dazzling Institutional Nuggets Leisure Food Circuit

  Securities Times reporter Li Manning

  This week (March 25th to March 29th) continued to adjust the A -share, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 0.23%to close at 3041.17 points.Among the other important indexes, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the GEM index fell 1.72%and 2.73%, respectively.The performance of the dividend and the dividend index is relatively good, and the increase is top.

  On the disk, the industry (in the case of the case) index fell more or less.Among them, traditional industries are strong, and petroleum petrochemicals, non -ferrous metals and household appliances lead the market.Technology, computers, electronics, communications and other technology sectors show weakness.In the concept sector, excavators, Xiaomi cars, gold jewelry, etc. are active.

  Affected by the disclosure of the annual report, the institutional survey heat continued to maintain a low level this week.Choice data shows that as of 18:00 on March 29, there were only more than 100 A -share companies receiving agencies in the week and disclosed the research records.Among them, more than 60 % of the company has disclosed the annual report, and the performance is the main line of institutional research this week.

  In terms of popular research standards, more than a dozen companies, including Jinzi Food, Tianci Materials, Guanglianda, Xiechuang Data, Satellite Chemistry, etc., have received more than a hundred institutions.Mai Rui Medical disclosed the records of investor relationship activities from January 29 to March 27 this year, during which a total of more than 700 people with more than 340 institutions participated in the investigation.

  In addition, China Guang Nuclear, SF Holdings, Huichuan Technology, Golden Dragon Fish, ZTE and many other 100 billion market value leading companies have won favors.

  From the perspective of industry themes, the recent release of eye -catching casual food tracks has paid much attention.On March 26, 445 investors, including ICBC Credit, Castle Fund, and Yifangda Fund, attended the online meeting of Yanjinpu.On March 28, 286 institutions and totaling over 300 personnel investigated Jinzi Food.On March 26, three squirrels received nearly a hundred institutions for investigation.

  Judging from the newly released transcript of 2023, the three leisure snack faucets that have been tied up in the “door door” have achieved a profit that has increased from the same period of the previous year, and the market performance has greatly won the market during the week.

  Among them, benefiting from the channels such as snacks and social e -commerce, the revenue and net profit of Jinzi Food and Yanjin Shop last year reached a record high.

  Specifically, Jinzai Food achieved revenue of 2.065 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 41.26%year -on -year; net profit of home mother was 210 million yuan, an increase of 68.17%year -on -year.During the period, the company’s fish product revenue increased by 25.87%year -on -year. As the core product, the small fish dried became the first big item to revenue more than 1 billion yuan.In addition, the company’s second largest core single product quail egg sales exceeded 300 million yuan in annual sales.

  In the survey of Jinzi Food, the company layout of quail eggs in accordance with the “billion -level items”, and will continue to work hard in 2024 to maintain a leading position in market share and product quality.According to reports, the company’s annual output capacity of the quail egg of the Pingjiang production base has reached 16,000 tons. The quail egg project of the Beihai production base is under construction and will be put into operation in the first half of 2024.

  Yanjinpu achieved a revenue of 4.115 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 42.22%year -on -year; net profit of returning home was about 506 million yuan, an increase of 67.76%year -on -year.The company will continue its growth momentum in the first quarter of this year. The propaganda of the net profit attributable to the mother in the first quarter was 150 million to 170 million yuan, an increase of 34.48%to 52.41%year -on -year.

  Yanjinpu introduced in the survey that in 2023, the company’s existing 7 categories of category achieved good and fast development. Among them, egg snacks achieved explosive growth last year, with revenue reached 319 million yuan, an increase of 594.52%year -on -year.The company plans to build more big items in the future to maintain continuous growth.In 2024, the company will focus on casual konjac and casual quail eggs. The second echelon will mainly push fish intestines (deep sea snacks) and fructic jelly pudding.

  The three squirrels achieved a net profit of 220 million yuan last year, an increase of 69.85%year -on -year, but failed to reverse the decline in revenue. The company achieved revenue of 7.115 billion yuan last year, a year -on -year decrease of 2.45%.The three squirrel revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan in 2019, and then decreased continuously year -on -year.