Zhejiang Huzhou: Government and enterprise "go to two -way go" to create the optimal business environment

  China News Network Huzhou, March 21 (Hu Fengsheng Huang Yanjun) Every Wednesday, private entrepreneurs in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province always go to a special “date” to sit around the table with relevant persons in charge of the local government departments.Face -to -face communication true feelings and discussing the true issues.As of now, Huzhou City has linkally held 595 sessions of 76 sessions of “pro -clear through traffic · government and enterprise”, 4,545 participating entrepreneurs, collecting 5,895 issues, a satisfaction rate of 99.44%.

The scene of “pro -clear through traffic, government -enterprise talks”.Figure Conferry of the United Front Work Department of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee

  The normally conducting talks have become a local “golden business card”. In terms of support for private entrepreneurs, Huzhou is close to the enterprise more sense, the government is more promising, and the collaboration is more powerful.Outstanding business environment.

  ”The Huzhou Municipal Party Committee’s United Front Work Department has always insisted on the two unshakables ‘, and the optimization of the business environment of the business environment” No. 1 reform project “, combined with the actual situation of Huzhou, actively help build the‘ see the best business environment’ brand in Huzhou. “The relevant person in charge of the United Front Work Department of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee said that the place will focus on the “new picture” of the united front of the private economy.

  In recent years, Huzhou City has paid attention to the concept of “three firsts” and “three positive”, and strives to create an atmosphere of “enterprise as expensive”, regarding private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as “the most valuable wealth.”The Standing Committee of the Huzhou Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department led the establishment of a supporting entrepreneurial work group to support the entrepreneurial officer, and issued implementation opinions to create six environments: “entrepreneurial innovation, element supply, government -enterprise service, integrity of the rule of law, respect, respect, and work guarantee”, and enhance entrepreneurial ownership of ownershipSense, sense of mission and identity.

  In order to make entrepreneurs more sense of gain, Huzhou also set up on November 1st each year as the “Huzhou Private Entrepreneur Festival”.Entrepreneurs stimulate the “main force” attitude of the majority of entrepreneurs through a series of activities.

  Enterprises are responsible for thriving growth. The government provides “sunshine and rain”. In order to promote the high -quality development of the private economy, Huzhou has also made “first -hand chess” in the policy system.

  Further ensure the physical and mental health of entrepreneurs. Beginning in 2024, Huzhou invested nearly 4 million yuan each year to implement health check -up and full health management services for 932 entrepreneurs; helping the new generation of entrepreneurs grow rapidly and implement the third round of new generation entrepreneurs.311 Pilot Plan “,” Lake Merchant Blue and Blue Power Project “, etc., study and formulate the” Implementation Plan for the cultivation mechanism for the cultivation mechanism of new -generation entrepreneurs in the Huzhou City (2023-2026) “Essence

  In order to “understand” entrepreneurs more, there are multiple creative carriers in this place, with Lake Merchants Lecture Hall, Indus Reading Club, Coffee Thought Club, Ideal and Belief Report Meeting, Lake Merchant “Entrepreneurship Innovation and Enterprise” theme salon, etc.Strengthen the education and guidance of entrepreneurs, and vigorously promote the spirit of lake merchants who are “dare to be the first, pragmatic innovation, benefit and benefit, and pay attention to the country.”