Why does the opening of the Fourth Ocean Games in Zhejiang Province become "the only nation"?

On May 18, the 4th Ocean Games in Zhejiang Province opened in Shengsi County, Zhoushan City.In the next month, 6474 athletes will participate in the three major categories of around the island, beach, and sea -related categories of 15 major items and 60 small items. The scale of the event will create a record high.
Taking the sky as the curtain, the sea as the background, the golden sand as the stage, the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the long beach of the south of Shengsi is full of “sea flavor”.Qunfan’s performance “Yongli · Tide” kicked off. The performance was divided into three chapters of the upper, middle, and lower, and the theme element of “sailing” runs through the audience.Different from the traditional ignition ceremony of other sports meetings, the Zhejiang Ocean Games at the end of the opening ceremony was used as the end of the opening ceremony., Together with the Danish explorer Christian Havrehed (Chinese name Huang Siyuan), it brighten the small lighthouse symbolizing the hope in the venue and convey the meaning of lit a beautiful life.
“There is only a Ocean Games in Zhejiang in China.” Zhang Hui, deputy director of Zhoushan Cultural and Broadcasting Travel Sports Bureau, said that this year is the third time Zhoushan has held the event. From the initial focus on group nature, fun, to the combination of competitive sports and mass sports today, Combining traditional sports and fashion movements, personal projects and group projects, the combination of the province’s participation and the national competition, and the combination of marine sports and marine tourism.
As the former national player of the Chinese women’s volleyball team, Luo Yu, a girl of Zhoushan, turned into a beach gas volleyball player this time, and also participated in the Provincial Maritime Games.”I have retired for more than ten years, and I haven’t touched volleyball in the past two years. I feel very interesting to participate in the beach gas volleyball competition.” Luo Yu from Wolfberry Island is a Shengsi. She understands that such a large sports meeting will bring to the island.The huge influence, “More and more people pay attention to physical exercise now. The atmosphere of this competition scene is also very good. There is hope to drive more young people to fall in love with sports, which is also conducive to our selection of excellent sports seedlings.”
Factors such as the unique shoreline beaches, the stars and the islands of the stars, and the pleasant environment of the blue water and blue are already doomed.In recent years, a number of international and national water Shanghai events have landed in Zhoushan.Getting stronger and stronger.Relying on the Maritime Games, Zhoushan has become a pre -trial place for the “one -person, multi -person travel, a single -day competition, staying for many days, one -person competition, multi -person consumption” sports tourism model, and strive to build the destination of the Chinese marine movement.
It is reported that this event hosted by the Zhejiang Sports Bureau, Zhoushan Municipal People’s Government, and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Ocean Economic Development, with the theme of “Sports Zhejiang · Communist Island”, spread the sports philosophy of “get close to the ocean, rich and Communist beauty”Fully demonstrate the ecological and cultural resources of Shengsi Island, and accelerate the organic combination of marine sports, marine culture, and marine tourism. It is a major sports event organized by the implementation of marine power strategies and building marine provinces.