A "good recipe" two years ago, promoting the pre -school education of Lin’an academic efforts to "high -quality+inclusive"

Tide News Client Correspondent Zhu Huifen
“In the past two years, there are more and more public kindergartens in Lin’an. Basically, the” little baby “at home has no need to worry about entering the garden. Recently, the kindergarten has also opened a personalized” 4:30 “classroom. Parents’s parents’s’s’s fromThe ‘receiving baby anxiety’ is gone. Some kindergartens have set up Toto class, and some private kindergartens have changed the main attack of the track.She feels that the childcare environment of Lin’an is getting better and better.
Such a change must be said from the representative of the Lin’an District People’s Congress and the teacher of the District Education and Research Center of the District Education and Research Center.
Preschool education and childcare services have always been a hot issue that ordinary people are concerned about and concerned. Pan Zhanghong, who is engaged in education, has a deep understanding: “With the introduction of a series of policies and measures with ‘choice of good learning’.The 3-6-year-old children’s inclusive education has achieved leapfrog development, but then there are also inclusive paragraph education resources, but the public-edited teachers are relatively insufficient, the kindergarten management system and funding guarantee issues, infants and young children under 3 years oldTermination of actual contradictions and problems in the face of challenges. “ 
In order to help the high -quality and balanced development of preschool education in Lin’an District, Pan Zhanghong and the representatives of the representatives of the district people’s congress Jinbei conducted in -depth investigations and visits around preschool education such as child care, and widely collected the opinions and suggestions of students and citizens of students.Scholars are looking for solutions.
At a session of the Seventeenth National People’s Congress of Lin’an District in early 2022, she took the lead in submitting a “Suggestions on Further Optimizing the Planning Education System and Mechanism to Create the Young Section of the Children’s All -year,” It is recommended that the Lin’an District Education Bureau actively explores preschool education personnelInstitutional reform, strengthen the construction of teachers, reform the management system of children’s education staff, improve the guarantee guarantee of non -editing teachers, orderly promoting the construction of supporting kindergartens in the community, and encourage the development of high -quality infant childcare services.
For this suggestion, the District Education Bureau attaches great importance to conducting face -to -face business exchanges with the proposal to lead representatives. Special research discussions have formulated a recommendation letter to make a response letter, clarifying the work plan and specific measures;The person in charge personally responded with the representatives.
In May 2024, the representative of the Jinbei representative of the District People’s Congress once again organized the representatives of the Malaysia Kindergarten and the Typical Types of Chuan Tuo -Fengze Yuan Kindergarten carried out a special visits to preschool education.The subsequent implementation will be recommended to conduct closed -loop supervision.
Through visiting investigations, the representatives found that after more than two years of hard work, those suggestions were implemented one by one: to accelerate the construction of supporting kindergartens in residential communities, and more than 20 new public kindergartens from 2022 to 2024 to ensure that each qualified household registration is eligible.Children have a relatively close public welfare and inclusive degree; steadily improved the treatment of non -editing teachers in kindergartens. Since January 1, 2024, the income of non -editing teachers in Lin’an District is unified by fiscal;The Education Bureau of Lin’an District has also made corresponding measures to encourage kindergartens to meet the needs of 3-5 years old kindergartens to open a Tuo class to increase the supply of nursery resources.
In the next step, the representative team of the Jinbei of Lin’an District will continue to conduct continuous visits, investigations, investigations and tracking supervision around Lin’an’s preschool education work, and contributes to the development of Lin’an to develop and optimize preschool education brands.
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