All units and units in cities and counties of the province actively carry out party discipline learning and education

All units and units in cities and counties of the province actively carry out party discipline learning and education
Xuebi and Through the Mission & ENSP;

Hainan Daily reporter

In the past few days, all units and units in cities and counties of the province have thoroughly studied and implemented the important speech and important instructions of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on Party discipline learning and education, accurately grasped the goals and priorities of party disciplinary learning and education, and will be held by party disciplinary learning and education.Carry out the close integration of party discipline learning and education with central work and key tasks, so as to learn to use, use it to promote learning, and effectively promote the deep and practical promotion of party discipline learning and education.

Improve party members and cadres to perform their duties in accordance with laws and regulations

The Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress held the third study meeting of the 2024 2024 of the theoretical Learning Center of the Party Group to focus on studying the important expositions of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on strengthening the party’s disciplinary construction and the “Regulations on the Communist Party of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”).The meeting emphasized that we must deeply grasp the significance of party discipline learning and education, learn the “Regulations” and learn in place, promote the promotion of cases, and improve the level of party members and cadres in accordance with laws and regulations.The combination of learning and use is closely combined with the actual situation of the National People’s Congress to combine the spirit of party discipline and education with the spirit of the general secretary of the Supreme Leadership and the spirit of instructions and instructions on Hainan’s work.In the same time, the annual key tasks are combined to give full play to the role of the National People’s Congress, focus on strengthening the construction of the “four agencies”, and effectively adhere to the people’s congress system and run well.

The Provincial CPPCC held a study meeting (expanded) of party disciplinary study education and reading class and the theoretical learning center group of the party group, emphasizing the need to deeply understand the important expositions of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership on strengthening the party’s discipline construction, highlight the focus of learning, conscientiously study and implement the Regulations, continue to continueIn the study of discipline, knowledge, Ming discipline, and absence, accurately grasp the main requirements and regulations of the “six disciplines”, and use party rules and party discipline ideas and actions to make the process of learning party discipline enhanced discipline awareness and improve party spirit cultivation.The process of party discipline becomes a daily use of words and deeds.It is necessary to adhere to the problem -oriented, target -oriented, and effect -oriented orientation, use the case as a lesson, prevent micro -duration, master the negative list, keep the red line of the bottom line, prevent learning the “two skin”, and ensure the high -quality performance of the CPPCC with the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education.

The United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee stated that it is necessary to grasp the requirements of the goals and pay attention to the actual effects, integrate the study of the Regulations into the daily life, catch it in normal times, and integrate party discipline learning and education into daily party building work and daily life of party members, so that they will become party members.The inherent requirements of behavioral specifications and value pursuit; we must adhere to the problem orientation, pay attention to case warnings, reflect on the cases from typical cases, promote the promotion of cases and reforms;Responsibilities and business processes are closely combined, strengthen the implementation and supervision of party discipline in daily work, and earnestly achieve power for the people and seek for the people.

The Social Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee stated that, as a department that carried out social work and closely related to the masses, it is necessary to create a pragmatic, efficient, affordable, and self -discipline work style through party discipline learning and education, and establish a good image of party members and cadres of organs.In order to find the combination of party disciplinary study and education and rectification formalism for the grassroots burden reduction, promote the ability of cadres to go up and down, focus on promoting the problem of cracking the “small horse car” problem of grassroots governance, and implement the results of the results of the results of the effective work.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee emphasized that it is necessary to focus on strengthening warning education, review self -police in accordance with the Regulations, and solidly carry out learning activities such as discipline and training of party members and cadres and disciplinary education for key objects.We must pay attention to the interpretation of training, deepen the use of the Regulations, and help party members and cadres to effectively transform the theoretical harvest of party discipline learning and education into practical actions of strict discipline, improve their style, optimize services, and promote work.The party members and cadres of the Provincial Party Committee Political and Legal Committee should strengthen demonstrations and leads, take the lead in conducting deep learning, and promoting party discipline and education in the province’s political and legal systems in the province.

The Provincial Party History Research Office (Provincial Local History Office) clearly states that we must adhere to the combination of regular education and concentration education, positive guidance and negative warnings, pay close attention to important nodes, and do practical disciplinary education based on important nodes such as admission and employment.Urges party members and cadres to tighten the strings of discipline at all times, and provide strong discipline guarantee for the development of Hainan’s development.

The Communist Party Committee stated that it is necessary to combine the study and propaganda and implementation of the “Regulations” with the construction of the party’s party committee’s party style and clean government, deepen the “four winds” correction, strengthen daily management norms and supervision, and promote the implementation of the provisions of the Regulations.Quickly transform the learning results into the actual effectiveness of accelerating the high -quality development of the work of the Communist Youth League in the province.

Check the effectiveness of education with high -quality development practical performance

Haikou City said that it is necessary to take learning first, continue to strengthen the study of party constitution, party discipline, and party discipline, and continuously enhance the political determination of absolute loyalty.We must learn to know the discipline, take the initiative to draw the red line in ideology, clarify the boundaries in behavior, and continuously enhance the discipline and determination of compliance with the law.It is necessary to learn the Ming Dynasty, develop discipline consciousness, and continuously strengthen the morality of diligence for the people.It is necessary to learn from the discipline, take the lead in strict self -discipline, strict responsibility, and strict management, and to continuously strengthen the decision force of integrity and public.At the same time, the party discipline learning and education should be combined with key tasks such as promoting the operation of closing and the operation, the promotion of project promotion, and the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside to test the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education with high -quality performance.

Sanya City emphasizes that we must work hard to “learn discipline”, accurately “know the discipline”, “Ming Ji”, strict “keeping the discipline” up and down, comprehensively and in -depth study of party discipline, and deeply understand the main essence and practice of the “Regulations”Requires, the party discipline, party constitution, and party history of the party are required, and the party’s discipline requirements are internalized into spiritual pursuits, externalization is conscious, and the examples of studying discipline, knowledge, Ming discipline, and discipline.Always be loyal and clean, and provide strong discipline guarantees for Sanya to accelerate the construction of international tourism resorts and free trade and Hong Kong science and innovation highlands, and be a good trade port benchmarking and transformation development demonstration.

Sansha City has clearly stated that it is necessary to pay attention to the internalization and transformation of learning results, make good use of the powerful ideological weapons of party discipline and party rules, and strive to solve the bottlenecks and difficulties that restrict the development of Sansha’s construction, and effectively transform the learning results into the idea of planning to promote the development of Sansha.The measures were transformed into a vivid practice of keeping the “ancestors” and “South Gate”.It is necessary to play a leading role in the “critical minority”, carefully fulfill the “one post and two responsibilities”, and combine the actual work of Sansha work to plan, arrange, and implement the tasks of party discipline learning and education.Provide strong discipline protection.

Qionghai City stated that it will focus on investigating corruption in key areas and key areas in the construction of the economic and social development of Qionghai, and further improve the daily supervision system to ensure that the power norms are correctly exercise;, Better stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the majority of party members and cadres, and provide strong discipline guarantees for promoting the high -quality development of Qionghai.

Chengmai County stated that it will clearly clarify the learning ideas, setting up the foundation of the party spirit in the “learning”, calibrating the deviation of ideas in the “Zhiji”, strengthening self -refining in “Ming Ji”, and forming a high degree of high degree in “Defense” in “Defense”.Consciously and deeply understand the connotation and practice requirements of the Regulations, find the spiritual coordinates of compliance with chapters, and refine the excessive skills of models and disciplines.

The Lingshuili Autonomous County is clear that it is necessary to take the opportunity to carry out party discipline learning and education, guide party members and cadres to consciously resist and normalize the “four winds” tendency, continue to play “combination fists” for strict management, supervision and encouragement to promote party membersCadres maintain their energy and work quickly, and contribute to accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the Lingshui industry, and the high -quality development of economic and social development.

The party committee of Southern Power Grid Hainan Power Grid stated that it will integrate party discipline learning and education with comprehensive and serving the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, implementing the company’s development strategy, and promoting the completion of annual key work tasks.Accelerate the construction of world -class enterprises to provide strong discipline guarantees.