Liuyang, Hunan: Promote funding for educating people in all aspects

China Education News-China Education News Network (Correspondent Wu Dingshu reporter Yang Xiye) “The poor at home make me stronger.”The first “Inspirational Youth” awards event of the Eighth Middle School was held. The 24 outstanding teenagers with self -reliance and excellent quality and academics were shocked to the audience with their stories and vows.

Since the beginning of enrollment, in addition to the economy of helping these students, the school also pays more attention to giving them spiritual encouragement and guidance to help children build correct values.Through the assistance measures of “material funding+psychological counseling+companion growth”, students’ comprehensive quality is improved.This is also a microcosm of Liuyang Education to fund people.

Liuyang takes the growth of students’ economic difficulties as the starting point and end point for student funding. In addition to accurate implementation of conventional projects such as entry subsidies, living subsidies, exemption from school fees, and national student fundsplan.Continue to deepen material funding, moral infiltration, ability expansion, and mental inspiration to effectively integrate the long -term mechanism for educating people.

Help people first help people, and various departments organize social practice activities such as volunteer services and community construction, carry out activities such as inspirational education, integrity education and gratitude education, strengthen communication with students, pay attention to their mental health and growth needs.Construct a broad platform for internships, employment and further studies, help people strengthen cooperation with all sectors of society, and build a new pattern of funding for all -round funding.

Zheng Xin (a pseudonym), a graduate of the 2020 graduate of the Tianjiabing Experimental Middle School in Liuyang City. Many brothers and sisters are reading at the same time. Many elderly people need to support it. Multi -pressure made her retreat several times.With the careful care and incentives of departments at all levels, their brothers and sisters not only received material funding, but also gained spiritual comfort and guidance.In the end, Zheng Xin not only completed his studies, but also admitted to Peking University.

“Like Zheng Xin, there are a lot of students who have achieved academic and spiritual transformation with comprehensive funding. There are many every year. Our funding is not only designed to solve their material dilemma, but also carry the mission of educating people with characterization and inspiration of the soul, covering the obedience of obedienceEconomic assistance to ‘psychological poverty alleviation’, and then multi -dimensional dimensions such as inspirational education, gratitude education, integrity education, psychological counseling, etc., so that the warmth of funding can truly enter and stay in the hearts of the student funding center of the Liuyang Education Bureau.Introduction.