The Ministry of Education Promote the "101 Plan" of the Basic Disciplinary Series to clarify these key tasks

Educational direction

Economic Observation Network News On April 19, the “101 Plan” work promotion meeting and computer “101 plan” results exchange meeting was held.Wu Yan, a member of the party group and deputy minister of the Ministry of Education, attended and spoke.The meeting pointed out that the “101 Plan” of the Basic Discipline Series is a foundation project cultivated by the top innovative talents. The key task is to build a group of first -class core courses with high -end, innovation and challenges.The first -class core textbook with Chinese characteristics, a first -class teacher team led by “Mr. Big” and a group of first -class practical projects for the integration of science and education and education.With the “small incision” of basic elements such as curriculum, textbooks, teachers, and practical projects, it is a “big problem” for talent training to promote the “strong breakthrough” of higher education reform.