Article 23 Legislative Legislation | Li Jiachang: After completing the legislation, it will continue to do well in educational work

The Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the “Maintenance of the National Security Regulations” took effect last Saturday, and the SAR government finally completed the implementation of the constitutional responsibility of the 23 legislation of the Basic Law. The authorities will continue to do the commentary and public education.

Li Jiachao saw the media before attending the executive meeting. He said that various government departments will implement various tasks, including consciously doing management and strengthening internal systems, preventing and stopping behaviors and activities that are not conducive to Guoan. Law enforcement departments must be strict, and they must be strict, and they must be more strictly, and they must be strictly, and they must be strictly, and they must be strict.Strengthen intelligence collection ability and analyze intelligence training.

In terms of national security education, the regulations require the government to carry out national security and law -abiding awareness education, and combine national security education, patriotism education and Chinese cultural education to achieve preventive national security risks.

He said that the “Political Report” proposed the establishment of the patriotic education work group led by the director of the government affairs department and the establishment of the Chinese cultural office.And make good use of different media platforms to do a good job of communication.

In addition, the integration and promotion of national security education, patriotism education, and Chinese culture education can not only increase the interest of education and learning from the rich content of Chinese culture, Chinese history, and the social and economic development of the country.Consciousness is integrated into daily life and continuous learning.