Polish foreign media discuss Tesla layoffs: the Chinese market is under great pressure, Musk is unpredictable

On April 16th, Beijing time, on Sunday, local time, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, announced that more than 10%of the global layoffs were announced and more than 14,000 people were affected.In this regard, foreign media have commented on the views on the matter.


The following is a summary of the comments of major foreign media:

Financial Times: No surprise, the pressure of the Chinese market is especially great

The British “Financial Times” pointed out that China is the world’s largest automotive market and is also the second largest market for Tesla calculated based on sales.Tesla’s pressure in the Chinese market is particularly great.In China, the competition of local electric vehicle manufacturers and foreign car manufacturers is heating up.

Regarding Tesla’s layoffs, Craig Irwin, a senior research analyst of Roth MKM, said that the news was “not surprising.”He added: “This is more like admitting that sales growth will not recover quickly.”

New York Times: Musk is unpredictable

The New York Times said that when Tesla facing intensified competition and decline in sales, the company announced the layoffs of about 14,000 people.In addition, Tesla’s two senior executives announced their resignation.Management changes and layoffs remind people that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is unpredictable at the company’s critical moments.

The New York Times also stated that the decline in Tesla’s sales also reflects the lack of demand for the overall electric vehicle market in the United States.In the first quarter of this year, US electric vehicles sales close to 269,000, an increase of 2.6%year -on -year, but decreased by 7.3%month -on -month.Tesla’s market share in the United States has also decreased from 62% in 2023 to 51%.

BBC: Tesla’s growth encountered severe resistance

Analysts of well -known research companies Gartner and Wealth Management Hargreaves Lansdown said that with Tesla’s new models and artificial intelligence, layoffs are a manifestation of cost pressure.

For the departure of the executive, Running Point Capital Advisors chief investment officer of the investment consultant company Michael Ashley Schulman said that their resignation indicates that “Tesla’s major growth stage has encountered serious resistance”, andHe believes that this is a “larger negative signal” than announced the layoffs.

CNN: The layoffs have once again proved that Tesla has encountered competitive impact

CNN pointed out that since the end of 2020, Tesla’s total number of employees has almost doubled. The layoffs are the latest examples of the company’s influence on the intensified competition in the electric vehicle industry and weak demand.CNN also said that this is not the first layoffs of Tesla. The company layoffs 7% in 2019 and reduced a 10% fixed salary employee in 2022.

Business inside: Musk needs to explain layoffs to appease investors

According to the US “Business Insider” magazine, Wade Bush Securities Company Dan Ives believes that after Tesla has experienced extremely difficult days for several months, Musk needs to make the latest layoffs to make the latest layoffs to make the latest layoffs to make a layoffExplanation so that investors can regain confidence.

Evs pointed out that if Musk could not explain what is happening and calmly calm Wall Street’s concerns, Tesla may lose the support of investors.”Wall Street hopes and needs to get the answer at the first quarter conference call of Tesla next Tuesday (April 23), because a series of bad news in the past few months made investors afraid of Tesla’s development story.” Heexpress.

Wall Street Journal: Adjust market demand

The Wall Street Journal of the United States said that Tesla announced a layoffs of more than 10%and allowed two executives to leave, which was a adjustment made by the company when the demand for electric vehicles became weak.The article pointed out that because Tesla’s use of price reductions to stimulate sales, its enviable profit margin has continued to decline in recent quarters.

Theverge: Tesla faces dual pressure