Pudong District School Cooperation Leading Education Strong District

  On February 29, the joint construction conference of the cooperation with the Pudong New District and the university was successfully held at the Youth Activity Center.At the meeting, the “Pudong New District High -quality high school and domestic first -class universities jointly cultivated the three -year action plan for mathematics and puppets (trial)”, marking a new chapter in district school cooperation.

  In 1993, the Pudong New District and Huadizhu University jointly built Dongchang Middle School affiliated to Huada Normal University, which opened the prelude to district school cooperation.In the past 31 years, Pudong New District has used district school co -construction as a stimulation school to run school vitality and promotes areasThe important path of development, in the early stage, cooperated with relevant colleges and universities to co -build 29 schools, and achieved fruitful results in the aspects of district cooperation, significant development results, and enhanced service contributions in the overall situation.In the future, district school cooperation will take “expanding quality and improvement” as the basic task to optimize the layout of the cooperative school; take “talent training” as the basic goal to promote the change of education methods; take the “Pudong model” as the basic path to promote comprehensive reform.

  His university guidance close cooperation has achieved remarkable results

  Over the years, the district school cooperation in Pudong New District has led the full cycle and high -quality development of the region, especially in the high school and compulsory education stage, and promoted the construction of the construction of the comprehensive reform demonstration zone of Pudong Education:

  The school running schools in the Second High School of the University of China is supported by the Fudan “Multi -Scholars” and the Jiaotong University’s “Xuesen Challenge Plan”.Empower students to climb their “peaks”.Jianping Middle School invited professors from well -known universities such as Fudan University and Tongji University to conduct lectures on science and technology and humanities for students of all grades to closely contact colleges and universities to form training.There is a university academic camp activity. Each year in high school students spend a week of teaching time, enter the university classroom and laboratory, and immersed the learning atmosphere and lifestyle of the university. At present, the school has double -class universities with Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Xi’an and other places.Establishing cooperation, between Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, they even normalize academic camp activities. Each semester has an infiltrated learning activity to two universities.Relying on the resources of local colleges and universities in Hong Kong, Shanghai Middle School has continuously expanded cooperative teaching with well -known universities in Shanghai, and gradually established a large and medium -sized integrated teaching model with a combination of dotted and close cooperation.Fair scientific and technological innovation courses, which has received strong support from colleges and universities.,industryAs well asThe laboratory and related courses are designed and provided by universities such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, etc. The school also invites Hua Normal University Democratic Olympic Experts to offer students for students, invite Chinese professors to provide “Dream of Red Mansions “Special Course and Shanghai Ocean University with the University of Ocean University.

  The district school cooperation school also promoted the overall improvement of the quality of the school: At present, there are 7 experimental demonstration high schools and characteristic high schools in 14 cities in the district.middle.Among them, the Second Middle School of the University of China, the Pudong Fudan Affiliated Middle School, Shanghai Experimental School, Pudong Foreign Language School, and Middle School Affiliated Middle School have led the establishment of Pudong Education Group, and the role of demonstration radiation has continued to increase.

  In addition, district school cooperation has also promoted the breakthroughs of ordinary high school characteristics: relying on the endowment of college resources, through the creation of characteristic high schools, the integration of characteristics of running schools with “double new”, education evaluation reform, etc., and comprehensively promoted the change of education.For example, with the guidance and help of Shanghai Maritime University affiliated to Maritime University, with “navigation culture” as the core of the school’s characteristics, the gorgeous turn from rural historical schools to the first batch of ordinary high schools in cities.Highlights at the World Creative Education Summit in 2022.At the same time, higher education and basic education are also actively linking, striving to promote the integration of the “five education”, and consolidate the foundation of Lindu people: 9 colleges and universities paired with 15 school districts (groups) in Pudong, from the course system, teaching design optimization, and all members.The reform of the education and evaluation mechanism jointly promoted the integration of ideology and politics.For example, with the guidance and support of the Shanghai Normal University School of Normal University, Shangshi Education Group has established mechanisms such as integrated research, management, practice, and evaluation of regional ideological and political education, forming a group running effect.

  District school cooperation has also promoted the high -quality balance of compulsory education in the region.

  At present, Pudong New District has cooperated with colleges and universities to build 14 schools in compulsory education.These schools have benefited from the guidance of colleges and universities to set up a characteristic courses: the school affiliated school affiliated to the College of Accounting and Finance focuses on the construction of a comprehensive financial curriculum of “one, two wings, three libraries, and multi -base” to create a youth financial care and cultivation system;Under the guidance of the Dance School of the Experimental Primary School, through the construction of the dance group, the ballet curriculum structure, and the teaching of teachers to further consolidate the characteristics of art education.2. Middle School North School, build a large, medium -sized integration scientific and technological innovation and life and health education curriculum system.

  Cultivate the top -top innovative talent plan to start

  At the press conference, the “Pudong New District High -quality high school and domestic first -class universities jointly trained the three -year action plan for mathematics and puppets (trial)” was officially launched.The “Plan” is based on the cultivation of innovative talents in Pudong basic education, do a good job of forward -looking layout, and proposes 10 task measures and 5 methods paths, such as establishing a regional mathematical studio study center, in project cooperation, holding universities across the school, heater training, penetration, penetrationCultivate long -term cooperation with universities, explore construction digital (technology) high school, etc., further explore the path of the cultivation of innovative talents, and then form a group of reform and practice results of first -first -tried reforms, creating a new paradigm with a new paradigm with Pudong characteristic talents., Following the layout of the cultivation of high -quality talents in Pudong.

  At present, 15 pilot high schools have cooperated with universities 29 projects, and more than 1,500 students participate in each year.For example, the projects established with Fudan University include: Boya Course at the Graduate University, the Shanghai Experimental School Innovation Academic Cultivation Experimental Plan, and the Pudong Fudan Affiliated Middle School Branch Science Experimental Cooperation Project.The projects established in cooperation with Shanghai Jiaotong University include the “Xuesen Challenge Plan” of Jianping Middle School and Jincai Middle School, and the “Medicine+Seed” plan of the University of Jiaotong University.The projects established with Tongji University are: Innovation Course of Jiancai Middle School Buqingke Exploration Center, Chuansha Middle School Mathematics Experience Course, Beicai Senior Middle School Water Conservancy Engineering Cooperation Project, etc.The school affiliated to Shanghai University of Science and Technology and Shanghai University of Science and Technology have carried out the penetrating training exploration aimed at the cultivation of scientific and technological innovation talents.In addition, the “Thinking Innovation” of Pugai Middle School, the Shanghai Middle School East School’s “Fleaker Production Practice” project, and the “Aesthetic Education Promotion Base” project of Xiangshan Middle School are also training projects cooperated with relevant universities.

  The special courses developed by pilot schools and universities have more than 1,200 students participating in the study each year, such as the innovative literacy expansion course of Jianping Middle School, the “Water Environment Research” and “” course of the “Water Environment” course attached to the Normal University, and the “Sooker Airlines of Shanghai Middle SchoolExploring and cutting -edge information technology “” “Structural Model Design and Production”, “System Technology” courses, “Astronomy” and “Underwater” courses at Nanhui Middle School, and Shanghai Maritime University Affiliated Bei Cai Senior Middle School “Class “innovation courses, etc.

  A pilot high school also opened a group of “strong base class” or “characteristic innovation class”. Every year, about 900 students study“Plan” “Zhongchuang College”, “Mathematics Experimental Class” of Pudong Foreign Language School affiliated to Pudong Foreign Languages, “Elite Student Training Plan” of Pudong Fudan Affiliated Middle School, and “DC Financial Talent Class” in Dongchang Middle School. Among themThe “Qiu Ban” attached to the Solo Solid: The “Qiu Ban” has recruited 50 students in two sessions as a new test field for exploring the talent cultivation of innovative talents, which has received widespread attention from the national education community.

  In the future, 15 pilot high schools will establish long -term fixed cooperation relationships with universities. Relying on universities to further develop innovative courses, and encourage college teachers to give high school students to innovate courses, engineering courses, experimental courses, etc.Pudong will also select high -quality curriculum teaching resources in pilot schools, and build basic discipline teaching resource platforms such as regional mathematics and apology for schools for selection.

  superiorSea and seaNorthern Cai Senior Middle School affiliated to the University University

  Under the leadership of the Education Bureau of Pudong New District, in 2010, Bei Cai Senior Middle School cooperated with Shanghai Maritime University, and Shanghai Maritime University became the school’s maternal university.Since the relationship with Haida University, Bei Cai Senior High School interacted with the teachers and students of Affiliated Middle School through universities, and the introduction of education technology and equipment introduction has achieved the integration of educational resources of colleges and universities.

  College educational resources are soils to realize the characteristics of university -attached middle schools.The school converts the professional characteristics of Shanghai Maritime University into high school characteristic courses “Human and Sailing” based on the characteristics and needs of high school students.The use of Shanghai Maritime University’s material resources, human resources, information resources and curriculum resources created online navigation halls and navigation innovation laboratories.Through in -depth cooperation, Bei Cai Senior Middle School takes the characteristics of “navigation culture education” as the characteristics of running schools, reflecting the diversification and characteristic requirements of ordinary high schools.

  Dongchang Middle School affiliated to East China Normal University

  In 1993, the Pudong New District Social Development Bureau approved Dongchang Middle School and East China Normal University to jointly run schools.The two universities signed the “Joint School Agreement” and renamed it as “Dongchang Middle School affiliated to East China Normal University” to conduct a joint school and general high penetration test of high education.East China Normal University and Dongchang Middle School have gone through the first phase of curriculum reform, the second phase of the curriculum reform and characteristic high school construction.Human system.

  Experts from East China Normal University to Dongchang Middle School every semester to help teachers’ training, cadre training, characteristic curriculum development, and student subject guidance have become a solid backing for school’s characteristic development.The expert advisory group regularly went to the school to conduct a theme discussions and entered the infiltration guidance of the teaching and research team.

  So far, the Department of Economics and Management of East China Normal University has customized the five -phase “DC Financial Talent Class” for Dongchang students.

  Pudong Foreign Language School affiliated to Shanghai Foreign Studies University

  The school is known for its professional foreign language teaching and opened the first priority of English, German, and French. At the same time, it has taken courses in Japanese, Russian, Spanish and other courses to implement small classes.The school has always focused on the conversion of knowledge and ability in foreign language teaching, and the integration of language and culture; in the setting of foreign language courses, it continuously explores the composite of foreign language single language and multi -language ability.The experiment of repairing the “practice has undertaken the heavy responsibility of training multi -language shortages for the country.

  Since the establishment of the school, relying on Shanghai Foreign Language University to organize teaching reform expert groups to lead and guide classroom teaching reform and special school -based teaching and research activities.The school has further promoted the overall reform of foreign languages of “strengthening English, exploring multi -language, and experimental bilingual”. On the basis of achieving high quality of foreign language teaching, promoting the harmonious development of students’ foreign language language quality and the harmonious humanistic literacy, cultivation has an international perspective, innovation consciousness and practice.Excellent foreign language reserve talents.

  Shanghai Lixin Academy of Accounting Finance College

  Pudong New District Education Bureau and Shanghai Lixin Academy of Accounting and Finance signed a contract with affiliated schools, and the two sides set up a “cooperative co -construction leadership group” to establish a regular work conference system to coordinate, supervise, and promote co -construction work.The school actively builds an ecological campus with benevolence and love as its core idea, promotes education linkage, resources integration, and cultural exchanges with universities, and strives to build a high -quality school with a high -quality school with a steady quality, a characteristic of school running, and a satisfactory school.

  The school focuses on the construction of financial special courses, builds a youth financial vegetarian cultivation system, forms a team of joint teachers in primary and secondary schools, and sets up financial special courses in the entire school.The main framework of financial special courses is “one, two wings, three halls, and multi -bases.”Since the school running schools, the school has gained a lot of gains in many aspects such as school culture, resource construction, teacher training, and student development.

  Shanghai Normal University Affiliated to Pudong Lingang Middle School

  In August 2021, Shanghai Normal University signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Education Bureau of Pudong and the Education Bureau of Pudong New District and the Management Committee of Lingang New Terminal.In the process of running the school, Shanghai Normal University Affiliated to Pudong Lingang Middle School to give full play to the advantages of the basic education group of the Normal University, adhering to the school motto of Shanghai Normal University, “Houde Bo Academic Seeking”, adheres to the people of morality, and the five educated people.Let each child be the helm of life.

  Relying on the high -quality resources of Shanghai Normal University, the school has developed high -quality development from the aspects of teachers’ training, special curriculum development, educational research, and student development.Regularly invite the team of experts from the Normal University to cover the guidance of listening to the lesson and improve the education and teaching level of the school’s backbone teachers.In the past two years, the school has successfully applied for and has a total of 8 projects and district -level projects.

  Pudong Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shanghai Academy of Drama

  In 2019, Pudong Experimental Primary School was renamed the New World Experimental Primary School affiliated to the Shanghai Academy of Drama. It established a model for cooperative schools in universities and primary schools, and achieved a new breakthrough in the reform and development of regional services in universities.For more than four years in cooperative school, combined with the school’s own situation, it has further expanded the cooperative category of professional cooperation with the show, providing teachers and students with deeper dance, drama, recitation, performance and other technical training and performance guidance.It has enriched the artistic experience of teachers and students, and has achieved great achievements in national, municipal and district competitions.

  According to the characteristics of Asian children’s bone age, the Academy of Dance and Dance wrote a ballet AR reading book for the school 1-5 of the school.In the past four years, teachers and students of the school have insisted on daily training and phased performances. With the joint efforts of the teacher team and school teachers and students, they have repeatedly achieved good results in the country and municipal competitions.In the future, the school will use the art resources of the play and the advantages of experts to create a “large, medium -sized ideological integration” party building brand.

  Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated to Pudong Experimental Primary School North School

  The North School of Pudong Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University is a public elementary school founded by the Pudong New District Education Bureau, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College. It was officially unveiled on September 1, 2023.

  With the integration of colleges and universities, the school’s curriculum can also be further renewed. With the rich course resources provided by the University of Medical College, it will offer life and health education courses.With the theme, project, and experiential learning methods, it will realize the training of children, personality shape, potential development, and help students take the initiative to learn, healthy growth, and comprehensive development.

  In order to ensure the growth of teachers and the high -quality resources of colleges and universities, the school’s administrative, management team and discipline teachers participated in various rich training activities, updated the concept of teacher education, enhanced the professional literacy of teachers, and led the school’s connotation development.

  East China Normal University, Pudong Lingang Kindergarten

  East China Normal University, Pudong Lingang Kindergarten, was founded in September 2022. It is a member of the East China Normal University Education Group.In the core value and cultural heritage of the group’s “Excellence, Leading · Drama, and Services”, the kindergarten adheres to the school -running concept of “exploring life, reading the future, and breeding flowers”.Children who live, happy life, and creative life “are committed to providing high -quality preschool education for children of talents in the Lingang New Area.Essence